
To reuse or not: is purified wastewater a non-toxic and sustainable resource for the future? (REASSURE)

Risks associated with hazardous pollutants in wastewater reuse and their mitigation
En vattenspridare som sprutar vatten över ett fält med gröna växter

About this report

In the REASSURE research project, the researchers have investigated the risks associated with hazardous pollutants in wastewater reuse and their mitigation. The aim of the research synthesis is to improve knowledge about the potential and sustainability of using treated domestic waste¬water both in Sweden and internationally, with a focus on the adverse impacts by hazardous pollutants in the wastewater.

There are major differences between countries, both in practice and in how they view wastewater reuse, as well as the health risks it poses to people and the environment. 

Researchers have also evaluated the potential of advanced treatment technologies for hazardous pollutants. The removal efficiency of chemical contaminants was summarized for five selected technologies. The results show that a combination of different technologies may be used to achieve acceptable wastewater treatment. 

The project has been financed with funds from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's environmental research grant, which finances research to support the knowledge needs of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.

Uzair Akbar Khan, Cecilia Stålsby Lundborg, Lutz Ahrens, Karin Wiberg, Lars Sonesten, Claudia Von Brömssen och Foon Yin Lai