Forum for International Cooperation on Air Pollution
The purpose of the Forum for International Cooperation on Air Pollution (FICAP) is to promote international collaboration towards preventing and reducing air pollution to improve air quality globally.
The Forum for International Cooperation on Air Pollution (FICAP) aims to facilitate international exchange of information and mutual learning on both the scientific/technical and policy levels and complement ongoing efforts by making the UNECE Air Conventions 45 years of experience, tools, methods and expertise available also to other regions, countries and organizations.
It is co-lead by Sweden and the United Kingdom and open to participation from all regions, countries, NGOs and IGOs, researchers and industry associations.
The Taskforce for International Cooperation on Air Pollution (TFICAP) is part of the Working Group on Strategies and Review under the UNECE Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution and acts as the “steering group” for the wider Forum. It sets the direction of the Forum and supports the co-chairs in is progression.
The Taskforce for International Cooperation on Air Pollution (TFICAP)
Meetings and events
Past meetings and events
2nd meeting of the Task Force for International Cooperation on Air Pollution
1st meeting of the Task Force for International Cooperation on Air pollution
Saltsjöbaden VII Workshop
March 13–15, 2023
Gothenburg, Sweden
Forum for international cooperation on air pollution
March 16, 2023
Gothenburg, Sweden
Documents and guidance
Contact, Forum for International Cooperation on Air Pollution (FICAP)
General contact
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Swedish Co-Chair
Anna Engleryd
Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
UK Co-Chair
John Salter