The effects of wind power on birds and bats

About the publication
The report is an update of the previous synthesis report.
The effects of wind power on birds and bats, published in 2011. The updated report compiles international research in recent years and provides an analysis of Swedish postconstruction surveys implemented until 2016.
The report describes the types of environments to be avoided, what is important to consider prior to licensing,
as well as which species that can be affected in different areas. It includes species facts with a review of species that may be adversely affected by wind power. The report contains in-depth reasoning about how to use scientifically based buffer zones, especially for eagles. For bats, new knowledge shows that wind power is
generally a more serious problem than was realized five years ago. At the same time results of recent research suggest that relatively simple measures can limit the damage to bats considerably.
The Vindval research programme collects, creates and communicatesinformation and facts about the environmental impact of wind poweron the environment, the social landscape and people’s perceptionof wind power installations. Vindval provides funding for research,including literature reviews and syntheses regarding the effects and experiences of wind power.
Authors: Jens Rydell and Richard Ottvall, Biology Department, Lund University, Stefan Pettersson, Enviro Planning,Gothenburg, and Martin Green, Biology Department, Lund University
A report from the Vindval research programme.
Ur sammanfattningen på svenska
Sedan den första syntesrapporten om vindkraftens effekter på fåglar och
fladdermöss publicerades 2011 har en hel del ny och viktig kunskap tagits
fram både internationellt och i Sverige. Den här rapporten är en sammanställning
av internationell forskning under senare år samt av de svenska
kontroll- och uppföljningsprogram som genomförts fram till 2015/2016.
Rapporten är en uppdatering av den tidigare syntesrapporten.
En rapport från kunskapsprogrammet Vindval. Projektområde: Fåglar och fladdermöss.