
Swedish Environmental Law

An introduction to the Swedish legal system for environmental protection
Montage av paragraftecken och stenmur.

Om publikationen

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Swedish EPA), one of the three main national authorities in Sweden for environmental protection, conducts international cooperation with numerous countries and in various regional and multilateral forums. Such cooperation generally focuses on the agency's core competence area, i.e. the development and strengthening of public environmental administration and environmental governance based on legislation and other policy instruments.

This report offers an introduction to the Swedish system for environmental protection and the legal framework that governs it. The report has been compiled primarily to meet the needs of the Swedish EPA and its partners in their collaborative activities. However, we hope it would also be relevant and useful for other authorities and organizations in Sweden who are engaged in international cooperation in the environmental field as well as anyone outside Sweden with an interest in the Swedish legal system for environmental protection.

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