Hunting and fishing

Last reviewed: ‎09‎ ‎December‎ ‎2024

The Right of Public Access does not cover hunting or fishing. However, it does affect it significantly, since hunting and fishing are among Sweden’s most popular leisure activities.

Over 320,000 Swedes engage in recreational hunting and 1 million in fishing.

Free sport fishing

Swedish citizens may fish without a licence in public waters. Foreign citizens may fish without a licence in those waters as long as they use hand gear.

Sport fishing without a licence is also allowed in certain private waters along the coasts and in Sweden’s five largest lakes—the Vänern, the Vättern, the Mälaren, the Hjälmaren and the Storsjön (in Jämtland).

Fishing in other private waters is only allowed with a licence or other permit. Fishing with nets, trolling (with or without motor), tip-up fishing and the like are not permitted without a licence.

Rules for fishing

Fishing is regulated by the Fisheries Act, the Fisheries Ordinance, and FIFS, a compendium of regulations issued by the Swedish National Board of Fisheries.

These statutes contain provisions on numerous matters, including gear for recreational fishing. Fishing is prohibited within 100 metres of stationary fishing gear, including fish farms.

You may use a private jetty on an occasional basis provided it does not adjoin the grounds of a house, but of course you must move on if the owner needs to use it.

Other than this, the basic rules of the Right of Public Access apply: show consideration, don’t disturb, don’t destroy.