The Right of Public Access

You have a Right of Public Access whenever you visit Swedish nature – whether you’re going for a walk, kayaking, climbing a mountain or simply enjoying nature.
However, there are a number of things you should keep in mind when you’re out walking, camping, climbing, picking flowers or simply enjoying nature.
This is permitted
The Right of Public Access works if we all take responsibility for assessing what is appropriate to do here and now. If we all know how to act in nature during different activities, times of the year and in different places, it is easy to do the right thing.

In other languages
Here are brochures and leaflets about the right of public access in other languages.

Checklist for considerate outdoor experiences
Here are our tips on what you can do to contribute to a more sustainable outdoor life.
Explore new spots
Explore a new favorite spot. The outdoors offers so many nice places. Take the opportunity to visit some of the less frequented spots. You can get inspiration on areas to visit from the county government (länsstyrelsen)
Travel by bike, bus or walk
Is it possible to leave your car at home? Perhaps you can ride your bike, take a walk, or jump on the bus instead? That way you don’t have to worry about congested carparks.
Choose a good time to visit
Avoid the crowds. Choose a good time to visit. Check out the place you are about to visit in advance, for example via the municipal or county government.
Don’t leave any rubbish behind
Pack a bag for rubbish and leftovers, to make it easier to bring everything back home.
Consider fire risks
Fancy a hot dog? Fires should only be made in designated places. Consider the fire risks and find out if any local restrictions apply in the area you are about to visit.
Local rules might apply
Visiting a nature reserve or a national park? Local rules might apply, for example regarding dogs, fires and cycling. Do some research before you get out there.
Driving off road is prohibited
Discovering Sweden in a camper van or a caravan? Driving off road is prohibited. Read up on where you are allowed to drive, and where you can park overnight. The rules are different in different regions.
Keep your dog on a leash
Are you taking your dog with you? Please keep it on a leash. This is particularly important from March to August when wild animals have their young. During that period, dogs are not allowed to run free in areas where wild animals may live.
Advice for safe visits in the mountains
The best mountain experience comes to the one that is prepared. Fjällsäkerhetsrådet can provide a lot of advice for the best and safest visit to the mountains.
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