Hunting seals

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency shares responsibility for seal management with the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, the Swedish Board of Agriculture and the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The Swedish EPA is responsible for the parts related to hunting.

Hunting seals

The Swedish EPA may issue permits for hunting of all seal species. There are two types of hunting permits:

Preventive hunting

The Swedish EPA may issue permits for controlled hunting to prevent damage to fisheries. There are two types of controlled hunting permits:

  1. Preventive hunting initiated by the Swedish EPA
    When the Swedish EPA initiates preventive hunting, no individual application is required.
    These decisions allocate quotas for each seal species within specific counties.
    Hunting must stop once the quota is filled.
  2. Preventive hunting based on individual applications
    The Swedish EPA may approve hunting upon application by individuals, for example, to address damage caused by seals to fish farming.

For more information, contact the Swedish EPA’s customer service.

Licensed hunting for grey seals and harbour seals

Licensed hunting differs from controlled hunting because it does not need to occur near areas where seals have caused damage to fishing gear or catches. It may also be authorized to protect fish farms that have experienced damage.

Check the terms and conditions before hunting

The Swedish EPA establishes terms and conditions for hunting, including:

  • Hunting periods
  • Permitted areas
  • Allocations
  • The number of samples to collect

Before hunting, hunters must:

  • Verify the remaining seal quota for the county.
  • Review the applicable terms and conditions.

For assistance, contact the Swedish EPA’s customer service.

Terms and conditions for hunting seals

  • Hunting seals from a stationary boat is permitted; the motor may remain running.
  • Hunters using a boat must have completed seal hunting training provided by a Swedish or Finnish hunting organization.
  • Hunting must comply with the same terms and conditions outlined in the Swedish EPA’s decision.
  • A minimum of class 2 bonded ammunition must be used for seal hunting.

Relevant legislation

Seal hunting is regulated by the Hunting Act (1987:259) and the Hunting Ordinance (1987:259).

Hunting Act (1987:259)

The Hunting Ordinance (1987:259)

Reporting bagged seals

All hunted seals must be reported to the Swedish EPA. Reports must include the hunter’s personal information as specified in the terms and conditions.

Phone: 010-698 10 00


Retrieving seals that are shot

Hunted seals must be retrieved if possible, and in some cases, samples must be collected. For questions about sample collection, contact the Swedish Museum of Natural History.

Swedish Museum of Natural History – seal hunting information