Hunting Permit
Foreign hunters who come to Sweden to hunt must pay the hunting permit fee. Login to the Hunting Registry to pay for and retrieve your permit.
The Hunting Registry at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency collect fees for hunting permits.
Pay the Hunting Permit fee
Swedish and foreign hunters must pay the permit fee. The permit must be renewed every hunting year, which runs from July 1 to June 30 the following year. The permit must be carried when hunting and must be presented on request from the Police, Coast Guard, County Administrative Board and Customs. The fee is currently 400 SEK per hunting year.
Pay the permit fee by logging in to the Hunter Registry. If you already have registered, simply login with your e-mail address and your password, or else, create a new account. When you have paid the permit fee you can download your hunting permit. Print the permit or carry it with you in for example your smartphone.
When you have logged in you can pay the fee for other foreign hunters. You must have their full name, birthdate and home address. Simply click “Guestlist” then create a new guest list. Fill in the information required and pay by using VISA or MasterCard. When the transaction is complete you can download a PDF which contains the hunting permits.
Login Hunter Registry foreign hunters
Effective on April 15, 2014, it is no longer possible to pay the hunting permit through an international bank transfer.
Foreign hunters need special permits to bring hunting weapons to Sweden. For more information contact the Police and Customs.
Hunter Exam in Sweden
If you as a foreign citizens want to take a hunter exam test you have to register in the Hunter Registry prior to the test to get a personal HunterID number. Present the number to the test examinator. The tests are arranged by hunting associations throughout Sweden.
We do not save any foreign hunter exams or information regarding firearms in the Swedish Hunting Registry.