The public’s views on climate

There is great commitment among the public in Sweden to solve the climate issue. Swedes are keen to contribute and very positive about societal climate initiatives and corporate climate work.

Knowledge on climate change

The proportion of people in Sweden who think that the country will be affected by climate change in the future is high, 95 per cent, which is an increase compared to 2015. The proportion of people who think that it is important to keep abreast of societal climate change efforts remains high, 86 per cent.

Initiatives to slow down climate change

The general opinion regarding Sweden’s ability to slow down climate change remains high, 81 per cent. This represents a small increase since 2015, when 78 percent believed that we in Sweden can reduce our climate impact. 78 per cent believe that they can personally do something to slow down climate change, which is in increase since 2015. 

More on the survey

The purpose of the survey is to gauge the public’s knowledge and attitudes regarding different paths to a climate neutral society and opinions about different solutions to the climate issue over time. The results of the 2018 survey are presented together with surveys carried out between 2002 and 2015, where the swedish public’s knowledge of and attitude to climate change was investigated. This makes it possible to track the public’s attitudes to and knowledge of climate issues over time.

The report