Application for authorisation of ship recycling facilities
Here you will find information on applying for authorisation for a Swedish facility to recycle ships covered by Regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on ship recycling.
According to Regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on ship recycling, ships covered by the regulation are only to be recycled at facilities that are authorised and included in the European Commission’s list (the European List) of ship recycling facilities.
To be authorised, a recycling facility must meet the requirements in Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 1257/2013. Accordingly, a Swedish facility that wants to conduct recycling of ships covered by the EU regulation must apply for authorisation.
Applications are to be submitted to the Swedish EPA, which is the authority that grants authorisation.
Application documents
There is no application form.
According to Section 4 of the Swedish Regulation (2015:18) on ship recycling, the application is to contain:
- Applicant’s name, address and personal or organisation registration number
- Information on the facility location, buildings or other facilities where the applicant will operate or intends to conduct ship recycling
- Information on recycling methods to be used
- Information on type and size of ships that can be recycled at the facility
- Information on maximum annual capacity at the ship recycling facility
- Any other information needed to demonstrate that the requirements in Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 1257/2013 have been met, including any necessary operating permits
Ordinance (2015:18) on ship recycling (in Swedish)
A recycling facility for ships covered by the EU regulation must have a permit according to Chapter 29 Section 57 of the Environmental Assessment Ordinance (2013: 251).
One of the criteria that must be met under item 6 above is that a plan must be in place for the ship recycling facility. The plan must be prepared by the actor responsible for operating the ship recycling facility and contain a description of the operating procedures and methods that will be used to recycle ships at the facility.
The plans must in particular include information on employee safety, training, protection of human health and the environment, personnel roles and responsibilities, emergency preparedness and response, and systems for monitoring, reporting and record-keeping, taking into account the relevant IMO guidelines and resolutions.
The recommended format for the ship recycling facility plan can be found in Appendix 1 to IMO guidelines for safe and environmentally sound ship recycling:
2012 Guidelines for safe and environmentally sound ship recycling
Applications for authorisation are to be sent to
106 48 Stockholm
Or by email:
Application fee
It costs SEK 23,800 to apply for authorisation (Chapter 7 Section 9a Ordinance [1998:940] on permit matters and enforcement according to the Environmental Code). An invoice will be issued once the Swedish EPA has received the application.
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