
Wind power infrastructure and perceived value of tourism experience in nature areas

Holistic perspective and assessment tools
Målning av ett par skospetsar och en vy över vindkraftspark.

About the report

This report features a measurement instrument that assesses the perceived value of the tourism experience at destinations where there is wind power infrastructure visible in nature. The research team developed a survey based on a literature review, a qualitative study, and insights from sustainable consumer behaviour research.

The findings of this project reveal that the value judgments of tourists on sustainability transitions and sustainable consumption influence their perceptions of wind power infrastructure in nature areas. This is shown in both qualitative and quantitative data.

The survey results show that participants who engage more in outdoor activities tend to have positive opinions on wind power. Those with positive opinions on wind power attribute higher value to emotional, epistemic, spiritual and sustainability factors. 

The conclusion chapter offers a discussion of the results and of the implications of adapting the measurement instrument in the real-life context of destinations where tourists might encounter wind power infrastructure in nature areas.

Solène Prince, Tatiana Chekalina and Anke Peters.
Framsidan på rapport.