
Effects of offshore wind power plants on marine life

En syntesrapport om kunskapsläget 2021
Vindkraftsverk under vattenytan.

About this report

Current evidence indicates that offshore wind farms do not constitute a significant risk to fish, seals or harbour porpoise during the operational phase. However, in the identification of suitable offshore wind farm locations, there is reason to particularly consider risks for disturbance of sensitive or rare natural benthic habitats as well as risks to certain species of sea birds. Some sea bird species can be expected to avoid the wind farm area, at least initially, and mitigation measure to reduce collision risk for birds may be motivated. Since the evaluations presented here are to large extent based on results from other countries, due to the absence of corresponding research and experience from Swedish waters, it would be important to carry out follow-up studies in connection with the construction and operation of new offshore wind farms in Sweden, to validate these conclusions.

Lena Bergström, Marcus C Öhman, Charlotte Berkström, Martin Isæus, Lena Kautsky, Birgit Koehler, Antonia Nyström Sandman, Hans Ohlsson, Richard Ottvall, Henriette Schack och Magnus Wahlberg.
Omslag publikation.