Flag of the European Union.

Work within the EU – Collaborative work on a mutual environmental arena

The Swedish EPA is a key part in Sweden’s EU and international cooperation in the areas of environment and climate change.

In general, environmental challenges do not care about geographical borders, and many of our national environmental issues cannot be solved by Sweden alone. We need to work together with other countries on for example climate change and toxic substances in the Baltic Sea. Ambitious environmental policies in Sweden and the EU as well as internationally, are a prerequisite for achieving our national environmental quality goals. Our work also contributes to the national and international implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030. 

Working together for a better environment 

The EU cooperation is aimed at agreeing on new legislation, as well as establishing common positions for coming international negotiations, for example within the framework of environmental conventions. The European Union is a central arena for driving environmental work and priorities forward, for example on biological diversity, climate, resource-efficient products, and plastic pollution. As new Swedish environmental regulations often derive from the EU collaboration, the overall EU work is one of the Swedish EPA’s most prominent tasks. Many of our rules are based on EU regulations and directives that are implemented into our national environmental legislation. 

Besides from participating in the European Commission’s expert groups and implementation committees, the Swedish EPA also provides expertise to the government in various working groups within the Council of the European Union.  

Presidency of the Council of the European Union    

From 1 July to 31 December, Spain holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Before that it was Sweden, and after it is Belgium. Holding the presidency means chairing meetings on all levels and contributing to the continuity of EU’s operations. Both during presidency and now when we are just “Sweden” again, the Swedish EPA has an active role in many international negotiations. 

Contact and more information? 

Do you want to know more about our work with the European Union? Send an email to Anna Nylander at the Swedish EPA, anna.nylander@naturvardsverket.se