Vindval – a research programme
Vindval (2005-2024) was a research programme jointly administered by the Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The purpose of the programme was to provide scientific knowledge on the impacts of wind power on humans and nature.
Environmental impact assessments
The programme has produced around 50 research papers and four so-called synthesis reports. In the synthesis reports, experts compiled and assessed overall research results and experiences regarding the effects of wind power, both nationally and internationally, in four areas: human interests (updated in 2021), birds and bats (updated in 2017), marine life (updated in 2022) and land mammals. The results have provided the basis for environmental impact assessments and for the planning and permitting processes associated with wind power installations.
High quality
Vindval have set high standards for the scientific review of research applications and research results, as well as for decisions on approving reports and publishing results.
Our reports
Vindval has published over 50 reports on wind power's environmental effects. A number have been translated into English. See the reports by following the link below.