The environmental research fund

Information regarding the Swedish EPA’s environmental research fund.

The Swedish EPA has an environmental research fund which funds research that support the Swedish EPA and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management’s work with the national environmental quality objectives, environmental legislation and international conventions.

The funded research shall combine high scientific quality with a high practical relevance for environmental work. The funds are administered in a manner similar to that of a research council. Open calls are announced and applications are reviewed by scientific expertise as well as relevant expertise from the Agencies. The Swedish EPA also carries out regular evaluations of the research quality and its practical usefulness.

Researchers can only apply for funds in response to a call. The applicants must hold a PhD and be affiliated with a Swedish university or research institute.

The Swedish EPA also has an Environmental Research Council, which holds an advisory role to the Agency’s work with research funding. The council makes comments and recommendations, and the Director General of the Swedish EPA decides on the funding. These decisions cannot be appealed.  

Funding programs and projects

With the environmental research fund, the Swedish EPA has previously mainly financed larger programs running for 3-6 years. Recently, individual projects of up to 3 years are also financed.


For more information contact Mats Andersson, Head of the Research Unit, +46 10 698 12 83.

Research efforts


Here you will find reports from projects financed through the Environmental research fund.

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