One Planet Network – Global partnership for sustainable consumption and production
As a global engine in the implementation of SDG 12 of Agenda 2030, the One Planet Network is targeted towards developing means for sustainable economic growth, reduced impact on the climate, and biological diversity.
The One Planet Network consists of decision-makers, experts, governments, industries, civil society, academy, and international organisations. Implementing the 10-year old framework of programmes for sustainable consumption and production, this global partnership strives to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal, SDG, number 12 on sustainable consumption and production patterns. The network has thousands of individual members and more than 140 national points of contact for sustainable consumption and production.
The Swedish EPA is the national focal point
As Sweden’s focal point, the Swedish EPA collaborates with national and global partners in the transition towards sustainable consumption and production. We report what the government and other national authorities do to catalyse the transition, and we also share good examples and experiences.
We want to inspire our partners to take actions, and Sweden is a board member of the implementation of the partial goal 12.1, “The switch to Sustainable consumption and production 2023-2024”. In this work, we support the UN secretariat of 10YFP, 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns, in implementing the new global strategy for 2023-2030.
Four-pillar strategy
The strategy is built upon four global starting points:
- Pillar 1 describes how sustainable consumption and production will be integrated in the implementation of multilateral conventions, primarily the UNFCC and UNCBD conventions
- Pillar 2 aims to reinforce global cooperation within prioritized value chains like food, buildings, textile, electronics, and mobility.
- Pillars 3 and 4 are intended to create a global movement for raise awareness of the transition of developing countries by capacity building and dialogue on regional level.
Global Strategy for Sustainable Consumption and Production (oneplanetnetwork.org)
Taking part through the Knowledge centre
The One Planet Network has a digital Knowledge centre for international cooperation and exchange of information and expertise. Here you will find tools, reports, good examples, and a variety of successful means of control from Sweden and other countries. The Knowledge centre also gives the opportunity to share results, experiences, and connections to experts on similar fields all over the world.
Sustainable lifestyles
During 2020-2022 the Swedish EPA participated in the international cooperative programme “Sustainable lifestyles and education” within the One Planet Network. The purpose was to share and develop knowledge in how nudging can be used as a mean of control on community level to reduce the littering of disposable plastic. The town of Gothenburg was the testing location and the results have been presented in a handbook by the Waste and Resources Action Programme, WRAP. Among others, the following partners were involved:
- The Swedish EPA
- Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI
- The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, IGES
- London School of Economics,
- The Waste and Resource Action Programme, WRAP
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD
- Fast Forward 2030
Contact and more information
Do you want to know more about the One Planet Network? Send an email to Maria Ivarsson, maria.ivarsson@naturvardsverket.se, or Frida Änghede, frida.anghede@naturvardsverket.se at the Swedish EPA.