Nordic cooperation for Environment and Climate
The Nordic region is regarded an environment and climate role model, with a long tradition of political cooperation through the Nordic Council of Ministers.
The challenges we face in the Nordic concerning the environment and climate areas, makes cooperation increasingly important. Ministers from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden assemble in the Council of Ministers for the Environment and Climate. The Swedish EPA participates in the Nordic cooperation at several levels.
The objective
The programme for Nordic Cooperation for the Environment and Climate is planned to be implemented during the period 2019-2024. The aim is to contribute to long-term solutions to environmental challenges that all the Nordic countries share, thus reinforcing the Nordic region’s role as a global engine in the development towards a sustainable society.
The programme is organised in five main themes:
- Circular economy
- Climate change and air quality
- Chemicals – environment and health
- Biodiversity
- Oceans and coastal areas
Rotating chairmanship
The Nordic Council of Ministers has a one-year rotating chairmanship. The country holding the chair has a major influence on the work in the ministerial councils and what issues to prioritise. Sweden will hold the presidency in 2024 and lead the efforts in developing the new cooperation programme. In 2023 Iceland is chairing the cooperation.
Working groups
The Swedish EPA participates in a number of the Nordic working groups on environment and climate. We are also part of the working group under the Committee of Senior Officials for the Environment.
The Nordic Council of Ministers includes the following working groups:
- Nordic Working Group for Circular Economy, NCE
- Nordic Working Group for Climate and Air, NKL
- Nordic Working Group for Chemicals, Environment, and Health, NKE
- Nordic Working Group for Biodiversity, NBM
- Nordic Working Group for Oceans and Coastal Areas, NHK
- Nordic Working Group for Environment and Economy, NME (jointly with he finance sector)
Additional cooperation areas
The cooperation does not only cover Nordic projects. Certain attention is devoted to global issues where the Nordic countries through cooperation can pursue their interests with greater emphasis and with clear Nordic synergies. Some examples of other areas of cooperation are:
- Arctic issues (the Arctic Council and the Barents Euro-Arctic Council)
- the UN 2030 agenda (for example United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP, and United Nations Climate Convention)
- the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD
- global work on biodiversity (the Convention on Biological Diversity)
- sustainable cities
- climate adaptation
Contact and more information
Environment and climate | Nordic cooperation (norden.org)
Do you want to know more about the Nordic cooperation? Send an email to Anna Otmalm, anna.otmalm@naturvardsverket.se