Other IPBES reports

Last reviewed: ‎14‎ ‎February‎ ‎2024

In addition to the well-known global assessment report from 2019, IPBES has also published four regional reports (2018) and a number of thematic and methodological reports. The regional report on Europe and Central Asia includes Sweden. It states that our way of life and an unsustainable use of land and water are leading to loss of species and threatened important ecosystem functions like pollination.   

Regional assessment reports   

Thematic assessment reports   

Assessment Report on Pollinators (2016), Pollination and Food Production (ipbes.net)  
The report presents the global status and trends in pollinators and pollination and their relation to food production and human well-being. 

Scenarios and models assessment (2016) (ipbes.net) 
The report evaluates different scenarios and models to use in decision-making on biodiversity and human-nature relations.  

Assessment Report on Land Degradation and Restoration (2018) (ipbes.net)
The report illustrates global escalations in land degradation due to land use change, pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and drainage. Particularly wetlands have been affected. Calculations show that 54 percent of the world’s wetlands have disappeared since 1900 and 87 percent since 300 yers ago due to development and agriculture.  The report also covers knowledge about extent of and options for restoration of ecosystems.

Other assessment reports launched during 2022: