![Photographer: Michelle Maria
Agency: Pixabay Acacia tree, Tanzania.](/48fd8c/globalassets/media/internationellt/internationell-webb/tanzania-acacia-tree-1920x640.jpg)
Tanzania – Raising awareness of environmental legislation
By providing support and expertise in several areas, the Swedish EPA will contribute to strengthening the implementation of Tanzania’s environmental legislation.
The Swedish EPA has had an ongoing cooperation with Tanzania since 2020. The purpose of our current contribution is to enhance and accelerate the proposed Tanzanian project on effective implementation of Environmental Management Act, EMA, by:
- Increasing knowledge of the environmental review and permit process.
- Analysing and developing assignment definitions for resources responsible for evaluating the current environmental situation in Tanzania.
- Supporting the development of strategic actions plans for relevant environmental areas.
- Supporting systems for facilitating transparency of environmental information.
- Reinforcing communication and understanding of the importance of having a solid Tanzanian environmental management.
Swedish assistance in four key areas
The cooperation is planned to continue until 2024. Due to some issues among our project partners, the project has been delayed and is now in a restart phase. Focus is on finding means and methods to catalyse the implementation.
The project will involve five key areas that further strengthen and enhance the implementation of EMA:
- Support in preparation of regulations, guidelines, and rules.
- Training of key EMA implementers at both central and local government levels.
- Assistance of local government authorities in the preparation of by-laws.
- Improvement. of awareness of the general public on their roles and responsibilities in implementing EMA.
The work carried out as mentioned above is intended to result in:
- Increased number of regulations, guidelines, and rules. This will require ensuring that all necessary legislations are translated to Swahili.
- Well trained human resource capacity for effective implementation of the EMA.
- Strengthened institutional capacities on monitoring and reporting on implementation of local government authorities.
- Strengthened awareness of EMA in the public and private sector, along with understanding of their roles and responsibilities of the implementation.
Do you want to know more about the cooperation with Tanzania? Send an email to Andreas Lindström, andreas.lindstrom@naturvardsverket.se