Kosovo – Activities strengthen environmental protection
The Swedish EPA’s cooperation with its counterpart in Kosovo, KEPA, now involves new activities. With the help of a long-term advisor, the Swedish EPA and KEPA will together reinforce the work targeted at national parks. The activities include revising the management plan for Sharri National Park and working with North Macedonia on accessibility and boundary markers.
Kosovo is plagued by major environmental problems, of which air pollution is one of the biggest health risk factors. This contributes to increased mortality in heart and lung diseases as well as lung cancer. During the winter months, air pollutants reach high levels of PM10 and PM2.5. In part, the pollutants come from sources such as coal, which is an important energy source in the country. Another major environmental problem is illegal deforestation where the wood is used for heating. The environmental challenges also involve sewage treatment and waste management, and the country has many illegal landfills. Most of the rivers are polluted by mining waste, municipal landfills, and sewage from the larger cities. Only 8 percent of the wastewater from the cities are connected to municipal sewers and follow current standards. Wastewater treatment in rural areas does not exist at all.
The project data use in Kosovo
In 2017, KEPA expressed interest in collaborating with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to supplement the Sida-funded Kosovo Environmental Program (KEP). The Swedish EPA received a grant from Sida to develop a project proposal focusing on environmental information, water, and regional cooperation.
The project now has a budget of SEK 14 million. Through cooperation and mutual learning between the Swedish EPA, the County Administrative Board of Dalarna, and KEPA, the project aims to contribute to capacity building to the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure of Kosovo.
Since 2021, the Swedish EPA and the County Administrative Board of Dalarna, CAB, work closely with the Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency, KEPA. Targeted towards the thematic areas water, climate, air pollution, and national parks, the aim of the project is to strengthen KEPA’s ability to implement EU legislation in particular.
The project prepares Kosovo to make data from the thematic areas available through environmental information systems according to the guidelines of the EU Chapter 27 with the long-term goal of future EU accession. In addition, the project provides support to colleagues in Kosovo in implementing measures, policies, plans and procedures using analytical tools. Throughout the project, communication and flexibility are essential for ensuring the ability to adapt to necessary priorities during the activity period 2021-2024.
KFOR video for KSDW – Environmental Degradation in Kosovo (facebook.se)