Supervisory guidance

Noise from industry

Fartyg vid industriområde

Some guidance from the Environmental Protection Agency concerning noise from industry and other similar activities is presented below.

Target group

This guidance is intended as support for permitting and supervisory authorities which deal with issues concerning noise from industry in accordance with the Environmental Code. It can also be used as support in connection with self-regulation.

Guidance for industrial noise

The guidance concerning industrial noise is intended for use in connection with supervision and permitting as regards the application of the Environmental Code. The guidance covers noise from industry and other types of activity which generate noise in a similar way: This includes both large factories and small installations such as fans, compressors and heat pumps. The guidance can also be used for certain traffic in and around an area of activity.

The guidance does not cover noise from road, rail and air traffic, shooting ranges, wind turbines, motorsport tracks and construction sites. See our other guidance.

The guidance concerning industrial noise is intended for use in limiting noise levels around residential areas, schools, preschools, care facilities and outdoor recreation areas.

Changes to this guidance compared with our previous guidance will not affect existing permits or injunctions.

The guidance was published in April 2015 but changes to this guidance compared with our previous guidance will not affect existing permits or injunctions.

The handbook entitled Vägledning om industribuller och annat verksamhetsbuller (‘Guidance concerning industrial noise and other noise generated by activities’) is only available in Swedish.

Handbook: Vägledning om industri- och annat verksamhetsbuller

Target values at residential property and buildings for education and health care
Day (06–18) 50 dBA Leq
Evening (18–22) 45 dBA Leq
Night (22–06) 40 dBA Leq, 55 dBA LFmax
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays (06–18) 45 dBA Leq

The target values should be met outside at façade and at terrace. For educational and health care the target values should be for the opening times of the facility.

Target values in recreational areas there silence is a quality
Day (06–18) 40 dBA Leq
Evening (18–22) 35 dBA Leq
Night (22–06) 35 dBA Leq
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays (06–18) 35 dBA Leq


Measurement and calculation models

Measurement methods are described in Mätmetod för immissionsmätning av externt industribuller (‘Measurement methods for external industrial noise’ – in Swedish), published in 1984. Communication 6/1984.

Meddelande 6/1984 (‛Communication 6/1984’ – in Swedish), Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. (PDF 1 MB)

Remissversion Metod för mätning av externt industribuller (‛Consultation version. Methods for measuring external industrial noise’ – in Swedish) (PDF 1.7 MB)