
Personnel certification for recycling of solvents containing F-gases

Guidelines on requirements for working with solvents containing fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases).

Below are links to current legislation, as well as to the documentation that the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has provided to the government in connection with the EU's new f-gas regulation.

EU's new f-gas regulation 517/2014

Ordinance (2016: 1128) on fluorinated greenhouse gases (in Swedish)

Review of Swedish legislation in connection with Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repeal of Regulation (EC) 842/2006 (pdf, in Swedish)

The new F-Gas Regulation is a recast of Regulation (EC) 842/2006 of the European Parliament on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases. When the new f-gas regulation 517/2014 was decided, the previous 842/2006 was repealed.

These guidelines are intended for operators, service and maintenance providers, manufacturers, importers and exporters.

Solvents used in industrial cleaning processes contain F-gases, such as HFC 4310mee. If you use solvents containing F-gases that are regulated by the EU, the solvents must be recovered. 

In some cases a certificate is required to work with equipment containing solvents that contain F-gases.

Recycling of solvents containing F-gases

Any individual who recovers, i.e. collects and stores solvents that contain F-gases, must be certified. To become certified the individual must complete an exam containing both theoretical and practical elements. The knowledge and skills required are described in Commission Regulation (EC) No 306/2008 the certification of personnel recovering solvents.

In Sweden the Swedish EPA is the agency that certifies personnel who work with solvents containing F-gases.

Certificate application form

Certificates issued in another EU country and that meet the requirements under EU law also apply in Sweden.

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