About personal data

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for all processing of personal data within the business and processes these in accordance with current data protection regulations.
“Processing of personal data” refers to everything that the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency does with data that directly or indirectly concerns a living person. Both independent measures and series of measures are included within the rules. This may involve the collection, recording, storage, working with, disclosure or compilation of personal data.
Examples of personal data include name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, Swedish personal ID number/civil registration number and photographs.
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency uses an electronic case, document and archiving management system, in order to facilitate the processing of cases and matters. Among other information, personal data that may arise in the cases and matters is processed in the system.
Purpose of processing personal data
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency processes the personal data that is necessary to implement the assignments given to us by the Swedish Government.
About The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
All processing of personal data must have a legal basis. In the vast majority of cases, the legal basis follows from legislation or other legal provisions, such as a regulation. The Environmental Protection Agency also processes the personal data that is necessary to fulfil agreements. In exceptional cases, for instance regarding newsletters, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency bases the personal data processing on the consent of the data subject.
How we collect personal data
The purpose for processing personal data determines which information we process. For instance, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency processes personal data when communicating with the general public regarding our mission, and as part of our obligation to provide service.
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is also the public authority responsible for the hunting and hunter permit registers in accordance with the Swedish Hunting Regulation. In addition, the Agency collects personal data in order to be able to process applications and disburse grants and subsidies or other support, such as in connection with the Climate Change Regulation and the electric vehicle or electric bike premium. The Environmental Protection Agency also processes your personal data if you attend a conference, if you apply for a job with us, or if you contact or interact with us for any other reason.
The most frequently occurring situation is that the information is collected directly from the data subject. In some instances, we also gather data from other sources, such as other governmental agencies and other public authorities.
Recipient of personal data
The purpose of the processing and the legal basis govern who may access your personal data. The Environmental Protection Agency provides personal data to other governmental authorities, for instance if it follows due to that it is a task or act of a public interest, or as a part of governance or the exercise of official authority, or because it follows from a legal obligation imposed on the Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, personal data can be provided to suppliers or other parties who need to be aware of the information in order to fulfil an agreement between the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and you.
The Environmental Protection Agency only discloses or otherwise provides personal data to other parties in the event there is a legal basis which permits this. Information about the recipients, or categories of recipients, is provided by the Environmental Protection Agency at the time of the collection of the personal data.
All data submitted to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency will become public documents at the Agency, and therefore copies may be requested in accordance with the Freedom of the Press Act. If personal data is contained in a public document, anyone who requests access to the document may obtain a copy of this personal data. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency can only keep your personal data secret if it is indicated by a provision in the Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.
How long personal data is retained
The personal data is retained to the extent required for the purpose of the processing and/or as statutorily required. Personal data in public documents is retained and selectively deleted in accordance with the legislation concerning the archiving of documents including the National Archives Act, the regulations from the National Archives of Sweden and decisions concerning the application of these regulations.
Protection of personal information
All processing of personal data at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is protected by appropriate technical and organisational measures. These measures are designed to ensure an appropriate level of security in relation to the nature of the processing and the risks associated with the processing. This may include control of access rights to systems, such as only giving access to personal data to those individuals who need the data to perform their work tasks and responsibilities, sending certain personal data via encrypted e-mail, and that the personal data is stored in a proper manner in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s rules and procedures.
Data outside of the EU/EEA
As a general rule, the Environmental Protection Agency normally processes personal data only within the EU/EEA.
Your rights
The General Data Protection Regulation provides you with a number of rights.
Access to an extract from the register
If we are processing your personal data, you are entitled to access them, as well as additional details about how we are doing so and about your rights. For more information about extracts from the register, refer to Chapter 5, Sections 1-2, Act with Supplementary Provisions concerning the European General Data Protection Regulation (Swedish Code of Statutes 2018:218).
When contacting us, state your name, personal identity number and email address.
The Environmental Protection Agency will send you an extract within a month after receiving your request. Under extraordinary circumstances, it may take as much as two months longer. If such a delay is going to occur, we will notify you within a month after receiving your request. We may charge you a fee if you are requesting additional copies.
You are entitled to request correction of any inaccurate personal data about you that the Environmental Protection Agency is processing. You are also entitled to request additions to incomplete personal data, subject to the purpose for which we are processing them.
Erasure (right to be forgotten)
Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to request that the Environmental Protection Agency erase your personal data. For instance, we may no longer need the data to meet the purpose for which they were collected. If the Environmental Protection Agency needs your personal data to perform its responsibilities or if they are contained in public documents, we cannot erase them.
Restrictions on processing
Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to request restrictions on the way we process your personal data. In that case, we will make sure that we process them only for specified purposes. Following are some of the circumstances under which we will restrict the way we process your personal data:
- You maintain that your personal data are not correct and the Environmental Protection Agency needs time to check it out.
- We are processing your data in an illegal manner and you are opposed to deleting them but request restrictions on their use instead.
- The Environmental Protection Agency no longer needs the data, but you have requested that we continue to keep them because you want them in order to look after your legal claims.
- You object to the way that the Environmental Protection Agency is processing your personal data. We will restrict the way we process your data until we have weighed your grounds for objecting against our responsibilities.
Data portability
Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to obtain the personal data about you that we are processing and transfer them to another personal data controller. You have that right only if the Environmental Protection Agency is processing your personal data in performance of an agreement or based on consent.
Objecting to the way we are processing your personal dataUnder certain circumstances, you are entitled to object to the way the Environmental Protection Agency is processing your personal data. We will stop processing them unless we have a responsibility, or a need to look after our legal claims, that requires us to continue.
You are entitled to file a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection about the way the Environmental Protection Agency is processing your personal data.
Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection
If you have questions about the way the Environmental Protection Agency is processing your personal data, feel free to write to our data protection officer.
Contact dataskyddsombud@naturvardsverket.se if you would like to know more about how the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency collects, processes and retains personal data.
E-mail address
Postal address
Naturvårdsverket/Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
SE-106 48 Stockholm
Read more at imy.se
You can also read more about the data protection regulation and processing of personal data on The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection's website.
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